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As William Edwards Deming said, “what you can’t measure, you can’t manage”.

The Controllership is responsible for handling the company’s financial information and aims to provide reports and tools to optimize decision-making, from budget planning to monthly monitoring of results.”

In partnership with

Financial Reports

Financial reports are the basis for an accurate diagnosis and a consistent action plan.

The main financial reports are the Balance Sheet (BP), the Income Statement (DRE) and the Cash Flow Statement (DFC).

We prepare management reports following accounting procedures and technical accounting standards, in order to meet the demand of managers and shareholders for information in a clear and well-structured manner.



We continuously monitor business performance, using both managerial and accounting reports and indicators developed for each company.

Only available in Brazil.

Pré Due Diligence

We give full support to companies in the audit process.

We carry out the follow-up of the due diligence process, whether in the framework of the company’s sales process or in a preparatory manner.


Want to know more about CashLab?

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